Articles on: 💸 Monster Checkout Upsells

How to test if Checkout Upsells are live?

Is it possible to test if upsells are live post checkout?
Unfortunately Shopify gives us limited options to test these things.
The only way to test the checkout upsells is to place a real order on your store.
You can do this by making a cheap 50cent product. (50cents is the minimum for checkout)
This should trigger the upsell if setup correctly.

- You must enter in card details for funnel to work. No test orders.
- You need to checkout with normal shopify checkout.

>> Click here to learn why Checkout Upsells aren't showing

How can I see if the offers are showing to my customers?
You can see which offers are getting views by opening the funnel and looking at your product view analytics.

Updated on: 01/05/2024

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