Articles on: 🛒 Monster Cart Upsells

Analytics - Dashboard / Campaigns

Dashboard Analytics

This page gives you a quick overview of how your upsells are adding value to your store.

Carts Displayed:

Total amount of times a Monster Cart has been shown to customers.

Cart Orders

When someone completes a purchase after someone clicks checkout on the Monster Cart.

Cart Total Revenue

Total revenue generated through your store that has gone through your Monster Cart.

Average Order Size

Average order size of carts that have successful checked out through the Monster Cart.

Cart Conversion Rate

The % rate of conversion from Monster Cart to order completed.

Campaign Added Products

The amount of products added due to an active campaign.
(This removes double up of products that may have been influenced by 2 active campaigns.)

Campaign Revenue

Total revenue added to a cart that is influenced by a campaign.
This works a little different for each campaign type.

Add To Unlock: (Progress Bar Turned On)
Add to unlock uses an assisted revenue model.
As soon as an add to unlock campaign has been triggered every additional product added to cart is considered an Upsell.
(This includes suggested products in cart and products that are not in the cart.)
Buy More Save More:
When campaign is triggered every additional product that increase quantity of trigger product is considered an Upsell.
One Tick Upsell:
If a customer accepts a one tick upsell offer the entire product is classed as an Upsell

Customer adds $15 product to cart
"Add to unlock campaign" is triggered.
Spend $50 get Free shipping campaign is seen by customer.
Customer closes cart and keeps shopping with the intent on reaching free shipping goal.
Customer only adds one more $15 product to cart but decides not to add anything else.
Upsell revenue still attributes the extra $15 product to the add to unlock campaign as it helped achieve this revenue.

Total ROI

The assisted percentage increase in your investment on Monster Cart Shopify payments.

A store spent $30 on Monster Upsells
The Campaign Upsell total amount = $300
Total ROI = 1,000%

Note: This includes assisted revenue from add to unlock campaigns.

Campaign Analytics

A breakdown of how each campaign is performing.

Added Products # = The amount of products added to a successful order that have been influenced by the campaign.
Revenue = The amount of revenue the campaign has influenced

Add To Unlock campaigns have a hover feature that allows you to see a further breakdown of revenue attribution for the frequently bought together module.

Note: This feature only shows on campaigns created after 29th April 2024 - Duplicating a existing campaign will also activate this feature on the new camapign.

Products Added = Number of products specifically added to carts from module
Revenue Added = Revenue that has been generated from products that have been added to cart via this module

Updated on: 02/05/2024

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