Articles on: 🛒 Monster Cart Upsells

Checkout button not working

Why isn't my checkout button working properly ?

The most likely reason for this issue is that another app is interfering with the checkout button. Below are some apps known to cause such conflicts:

Route Protection & Tracking
• This app duplicates our checkout button and hides the original one. Attempts to make it visible again via CSS have failed, as the app continuously updates it using JavaScript, and the script isn’t accessible in the theme files for removal.
BOGO Free Gift
• This app inserts a spinner inside our checkout button, causing duplicates because both our app and the other app control the button.
Unlimited Bundles & Discounts
• This app overrides our checkout button events, preventing our discounts from being applied before redirecting to checkout.
Bundler Product Bundles
• This app overrides our checkout button events, preventing our discounts from being applied before redirecting to checkout.
DiscountYard Stack Discounts
• This app forces an update to the checkout button and the subtotal within our cart.
Sales Motivator Bar by Revy
• This app overrides our checkout button events, preventing our discounts from being applied before redirecting to checkout.

Alternatively, if none of these apps are installed, the issue could potentially be due to a CSS clash with our cart. Please reach out to our team for assistance in resolving this.

Updated on: 22/07/2024

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