Articles on: 🛒 Monster Cart Upsells

Settings (Cart design, Theme)

This is where you activate your cart, customize cart design and select checkout options.

Most of settings are visual changes and easy to understand however some may need clarification.

Activate Cart

Quick access on/off button! It's quit simple. Click the toggle.
Make sure you are happy with how the cart preview on the right looks before turning the cart on.

Theme settings

Default font size - effects all fonts across the Cart.
Choose Cart slide out - This will invert UpsellCart and make it slide from the Left.

Font EM

Increase - decrease font size relative to default font size.

Coupon Code

Edit and activate coupon code section on cart.
If you are using Draft Checkout we recommend making this section clear as you can't enter codes at checkout.
See Checkout Settings (Multi-currency, Discount Codes, Draft Checkout) for more details.

More Details

Sometimes campaigns show more details sections. This sections communicates further details about products without customers leaving the cart. These details are pulled straight from your product descriptions.

When someone click read more on this section you can choose to send people to the product or expand the description further.

Tip: We recommend only sending someone to a product page if your descriptions are long.

If you have any further questions reach our to our team at

Updated on: 21/02/2023

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