Articles on: 🛒 Monster Cart Upsells

Free Gift Trouble Shooting (Customers Getting Gifts They Shouldn't)

How are customers getting Free Gifts when they shouldn't be?

The main reason is because customers are skipping the Monster cart somehow.

Here are some of the ways customers can skip the cart and the solutions:

Add to cart doesn't trigger our Monster Cart >> Contact support to help connect this
Customers can access cart page >> Prevent access to cart page
Original theme cart drawer is opening >> Follow this article
Shopify Dynamic buttons are activated >> Follow this article
Collection Quick Buy Buttons turned on >> Contact support to help connect them
Free Gifts are visible in search >> Follow this article
Free Gifts are visible in a collection >> Follow this article
Cart in corner doesn't trigger Monster Cart >> Contact support to help connect this
Home page Add to carts don't open Monster Cart >> Contact support to help connect this
You haven't setup Free_gift product type properly >> Follow this article
An app bypasses our cart (Normally a bundle or upsell app) >> Contact support to see if we can support this app

If none of these work:
An experienced dev might be able to manipulate carts in sneaky ways that exploit shopify limitations.
If you believe a specific customer is doing this we highly suggest using shopify's free fraud filter app to block them.
>> Shopify FREE Fraud Filter

We also recommend downloading the FREE Shopify Flow App >> Download here
and setting up a workflow that puts any order with multiple free gifts in it on hold.

Here is a full FAQ guide on how to setup Shopify Flow to stop Multiple Gift or $0 Sale Gift Fraud orders.
>> Visit Guide

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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